Board Profile

Jayne Cumberland
I finally made the move to Newcastle in October 2021 after 35 years of wanting to live in this beautiful part of the world. I grew up on the mid north coast and my hometown is Wingham.
I also spent my early career in Sydney working in the finance industry.
I currently reside in Cardiff and have 3 sons – Matthew 22, Lachlan 19 and Max almost 18 who are all disability support workers, and I must say they are amazing young men.
I have been working in the Community Services Sector since 2006 when I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1.
My work history includes working for Hunter New England Health , Aged Care Services, Mental Health, Housing, Disability services and the past 2 years as and NDIS Coordinator of Supports and Psychosocial Recovery Coach.
I worked for government agencies, community managed organisations and small business during this time. Jack of all trades.
I am currently self-employed and trade as Insight In Mind. I provide Psychosocial Peer Work Support and Psychosocial Recovery Coach services.
My passion has always been mental health and I am strong advocate for the peer workforce and enjoy walking beside others with a lived experience sharing stories and collaborating for change.
When I resided in Wingham, I was a committee member with Brushes with Life – a mental health initiative based on art workshops and exhibitions. I was a coordinator for the Mental Health professional network as well as completing my Diploma in Community Services and Certificate IV in Mental Health peer work. I also founded a working party called Recovery in Action which gave people with a lived experience to be learn new skills and participate in local events.
I love the beach, mustangs, music , markets, and op shops.
I am currently actively involved in Arts in Recovery and Super CRO.
I am new to CDAH however have joined the Arts and Crafts group and The Hive and really enjoy being part of this community.