Planning Cafés
Our Planning Cafés are a place for the CDAH community to gather to share & learn.

Over the last two years, more than 800 peers joined our Planning Cafe’s with each event covering a different topic. Some of the previous topics were:
Creating A Safe Community
Who can you contact if you don’t feel safe? How can you respond to any incidents of neglect and violence? Who can you talk to if you witness abuse? How can you file a complaint about a hired service?
We discussed these and other questions at our Planning Cafe “Create a safe Community” on 24.10. at The Place in Charlestown. Peers explained which organisation is best to contact in a particular incident (e.g. Royal Commission, Ageing and Disability Commission or NDIS Safeguards Commission). In role plays we learned from each other how to create a safe place for us and within our community.

Taking A Personalised Approach To Quality And Safeguarding
Guest speakers and facilitators included Kathryn McKenzie, Director of Operation for Ageing and Disability Commission (NSW), Miranda Bruyniks, Complaints Commissioner, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Karen Stace, NSW State Manager at National Disability Services, Liz Collier, formerly with Zero Tolerance Initiative, Rob King, self-advocate and peer worker, Gavin Hodges, Ngari Robinson and Mitchel Jones (all from Includa), Cathy Nattress, family member, Diana Allen, Unisson Disability, Christine Regan, State Director NDIS QSC, Dave Relf, National Practice Lead – Zero Tolerance Initiative – NDS, Rachael Cross, self advocate, Jo Cross, family member, Leanne Clarke, Keystone Coordination, Kim Evans, behaviour supports practitioner and Dave Belcher, Leigh Creighton, Cath Mahony and Jenny Cush (all from CDAH). It was an exciting forum and an important discussion.
Let us all work and strive towards a society where people with disability feel safe, included, connected, in control of and receiving high quality support.
If you want to find out more please contact us at or call/SMS 0490 053 454