
At CDAH we are committed to building the capacity of peers to develop, organise and lead peer groups and develop peer mentoring relationships that enable peers to share their experiences and learn together.

Erin talking into a microphone at the TWC Conference

Current Projects

These peer groups and mentoring relationships are an opportunity for peers to come together and support each other in various locations across the Hunter region, to come together over a specific issue or interest or to support individuals to make new connections.

Powerful Peers

Our members want to create a stronger, more active peer led community where people with disability support each other and share their knowledge and experiences. To achieve this, we will be delivering facilitator and peer mentoring training across the Hunter region and then supporting peers to develop one to one peer mentoring relationships.

Our project partners, Diversity and Disability Alliance, will be delivering similar opportunities for peers in Western Sydney, particularly those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

You can find upcoming training by going to Events or Contact Us if you want more information.

This projects funding has been extended until June 2024 by an Information, Linkages and Capacity Building grant from the Australian Government.

NSW Peer Learning Hub

We are working with Diversity and Disability Alliance to build the peer movement across NSW so that peers can engage with and shape the communities we live in. Across the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, and Hunter region, CDAH will work with peers to:

  • Run events that promote peer support around a range of topics.
  • Deliver ‘Introduction to Peer Support’ training programs.
  • Support peers as they set up new peer groups.
  • Hold two communities of practice events annually for peer leaders and facilitators to share their experiences and learn from one another.
  • Organise a NSW Peer Support Conference.

You will find more information about these activities by going to Events and Training for Peers.

This projects funding has been extended until June 2024 by an Information, Linkages and Capacity Building grant from the Australian Government.

Hunter Inclusion Project

CDAH is committed to increasing community connections and inclusion for peers in the Hunter region by offering Community Connections and Hunter Peer Networks. Hunter Inclusion Project

This projects funding has been extended until June 2024 by an Information, Linkages and Capacity Building grant from the Australian Government.

Hunter Deafblind Project

The Hunter Deafblind Project is a Information, Linkages and Capacity Building initiative. The project commenced in February 2020 and will run until July 2024, with the work being delivered by Project Coordinator – Justine Lorenz and Project Worker Alisha Cooper. We will use lived experience to support deafblind people in the Hunter to live the lives they choose. Hunter Deafblind Project

This projects funding has been extended until June 2024 by an Information, Linkages and Capacity Building grant from the Australian Government.